Information Technology (IT) governance has\r\nrisen in importance in recent years, driven by various\r\ntrends in IT development. With rapid growth in the\r\ncountry and the globalization of the IT sector, there is\r\ngrowing interest in IT governance in Malaysia. This study\r\naims to explore whether IT practitioners with different\r\njob functions, education levels, education areas of\r\nspecialization, certifications and experience levels have\r\ndifferent perceptions of IT governance effectiveness in\r\ntheir organization. The results reveal differences in\r\nperceived IT governance effectiveness between different\r\njob function groups, but not between groups with\r\ndifferent education levels, certification or experience\r\nlevels. The findings for education area of specialization\r\nare not conclusive. The findings of this study will help IT\r\nmanagers to identify areas of focus to maximize\r\neffectiveness of IT governance initiatives through their IT\r\nstaff. The implications of the findings are discussed at the\r\nend of the paper.