Tourism has been identified as a major tool for the development of any country\r\nbecause it is a key role in developing it.\r\nFirst, it is likely that tourism will be amongst the most important or valuable international\r\nbusiness. Second, it is also likely that tourism be utilized as a means for attracting\r\ninternational development financial aid. Third, tourism promotional activities will be used as\r\nan instrument for improving a country''s image.\r\nAlbania is recognized as a tourism destination at the Mediterranean coast and has a\r\ncompetitive position in the international tourism market.\r\nIn order to fulfill the mission for achieving the above-mentioned vision, the success of this\r\nstrategy lies on the partnership of the main actors of tourism sector. The mission of the\r\ntourism partners is described as follows:\r\nWelcome the guests and therefore understand hospitality and high quality of service as the\r\nmost important elements within the tourism product\r\nProtect and even develop actively the environment\r\nSupport the culture\r\nOn the paper below the stress will be on the tourism strategies because they are very\r\nimportant and the responsible institutions will have to do the needed policies