In the global economy, the quantitative dimension of economic growth measured by GDP is\nnecessary, but not sufficient to express the qualitative development of economy and society.\nStatisticians and economists recognized the need to provide policy makers and civil society with\na reliable, timely and credible indicator that can quantitatively and qualitatively assess the\ncurrent situation, which would also indicate prospects for further economic growth. The latest\nattempt at the international level to present the best of the range of comparable and\ncomprehensive set of indicators of well-being is the Better Life Index, leading to attempting and\nfinding a better way to measure growth and identifying key aspects necessary for prosperity.\nThese aspects need to be known and used in decision-making processes in determining\npriorities and objectives of economic policy oriented so as to ensure not only the quantity but\nalso the quality of economic growth and hence the quality of life.