Employee IT user satisfaction is important for companies, especially in regulated industries\nas financial services, especially for workers interacting directly with the clients. This paper\nanalyses the impact of various factors against rating given for IT User Satisfaction in a bank.\nIn retail banking, customer-facing employees need to provide service for simple or complex\ntransaction, as well as financial advice. We found that IT user experience is influenced\npositively by the trust in organization willingness to change based on the userâ??s feedback as\nwell as the support provided as helpdesk but negatively impacted by multiple application\nperformance, stability issues or infrastructure performance, as part of the expected value of\nusing IT as a job support tool. Qualitative-exploratory and quantitative research was\nperformed using techniques as segmentation, decision tree or multinomial linear\nregression. Data analysis was performed on 608 survey responses out of a population of\n3000 individuals. Transcript data collected during interviews was processed using natural\nlanguage processing technics in Python in parallel to human driven classification to provide\nadditional potential insight as part of content analysis phase (clustering of keywords based\non tfidf vectors scores, extraction of most relevant words for clusters). We found that\ntextual data are very powerful especially when using visualization but in general due limited\ncorpus size and bias from selection process in interviews would be useful to collect more\ndata, maybe from helpdesk system and email communication for IT support. Theoretical\nand practical implications are discussed through the lens of the Technology Acceptance\nModel to explain the impact of the main factors influencing the perception of the overall IT\nlandscape.