In today’s world, an enormous number of challenges emerged that are closely linked to the accelerated and disruptive expansion of new technologies, along with the COVID-19 crisis. As information technologies (IT) have become an integral part of the new world, they impact all segments of life. Yet, paradoxically to a certain extent, IT constantly challenged itself, as a function, it continuously transformed to the next development phase - reinventing itself and its potential to change, while simultaneously keeping the business continuity. Under such circumstances, employees in the IT sector are significantly affected and, thus, it is of utmost importance to explore the role of the human resources (HR) department in the transformation journey of internal IT. This paper aims to present a case study of such a transitioning model - going from established IT shared service to transforming it into an IT competence centre. As it impacts employees, the paper presents a portfolio of practical initiatives and discusses how HR could facilitate this journey, including employer branding. Particular emphasis is placed on a number of proposals and recommendations on how to support the transformation from a shared service centre to a competence centre. In addition, the paper outlines the impact of such a transformation on business, from an investment perspective, as well as through return on investments (ROI) via init synergizing, freeing and reallocating the resources.