In contemporary business organizations, technology provides the foundation around which\r\norganizations evolve and mature. It not only aids organizations in enabling strategic business\r\nobjectives through automation of operations, but with their information processing and decision\r\nsupport capabilities, these technologies also aid in business planning and management. Thus, the\r\nscope of these technologies extends from strategic enablers to strategic advisors. The literature\r\nsuggests various perspectives on the role of technology in organization, i.e., techno-centric, humancentric,\r\nand technology institutionalisation. This paper aims to look at technology lifecycle process,\r\nthrough the lens of technology institutionalisation perspective. According to the institutional view\r\nand theories, there are various sub institutions operating in a broader environment of organization,\r\nsuch as organizational culture, social structure, and competitive environment. The organization\r\nthrives on the mutual interactions of these sub institutions and establishes its legitimacy. When\r\ntechnology becomes institutionalised, it is taken for granted by its users within the organization.\r\nThis means that they are comfortable with technology and can employ its features effectively in\r\ntheir routine activities without requiring functional consultant or coach support. Moreover, an\r\noverview of literature on technology deinstitutionalisation and institutional change is presented in\r\nthis paper which aims to study how old technologies of the organization and legacy systems are\r\nchanged and replaced with new ones.