Several authors have emphasized the\r\nimportance of analysing the impact of e-business, ecommerce\r\nand online-shopping on supply chain and\r\noperations management; however, it seems that to date\r\nno one has suggested a comprehensive framework that\r\ncould help identify and support supply chain design\r\ndecisions for companies about to enter the onlinebusiness\r\nin the consumer goods retail trade,\r\nencompassing the business drivers at a strategic level.\r\nThis paper aims to bridge the gap between theoretical\r\ntaxonomies or abstract models and the concrete supply\r\nchain design problems encountered by logistics managers\r\nwho need to take their Food & Beverage retail company\r\ninto the internet business while also preserving a\r\nconsistent alignment with their current company strategy.\r\nSome insights on this area are presented along with a\r\nfield study approach and a proposal of a 6-phase\r\nframework to jointly manage all the relevant strategic and\r\nfunctional aspects of supply networks.