This paper discusses good criteria for a supply\nchain performance measurement model and their level of\nimportance. The criteria were obtained from results of\nprevious research findings and recommendations from\nseveral researchers. The criteria are divided into two\ncategories, namely efficient and effective. To examine\nwhich criteria can be used to assess a supply chain\nperformance measurement model, a survey was\nconducted by distributing questionnaires to supply chain\nactors from different industry fields (both manufacturing\nand services) in Indonesia using random sampling\ntechniques. Data analysis using pairwise comparisons\nwith an analytical Hierarchy Process model showed that\nefficient criteria were more important than effective\ncriteria. Efficient criteria consisted of three sub-criteria:\nthe amount of data is not too much and low cost and output is\npresented in a simple form. Effective criteria consisted of\nthe criteria in the order of importance as follows: clarity,\nvalidity, comprehensiveness, responsiveness and\ndynamics. Further research is needed for developing a\nmodel that meets these criteria.