Background: The diverse modes in geographical locations, environmental factors, genetic and racial characteristics play a complex role in determining the pattern of neurological disorders worldwide. Determining the pattern of neurological disorders enables health policymakers to plan evidently for service, training, and research priorities. Few prevalence studies in neurology were conducted in Sudan. Methods: This is a retrospective hospital-based study that reviewed the medical records of patients who attended a Dedicated Neurology Clinic (DNC) in Omdurman, the national Capital of Sudan, for 24 months, from January 2016 to January 2018. This study aimed to determine the DNC pattern of neurological disorders as a representative subset prevalence in Sudan. Neurologists conducted the medical workup for diagnosis after at least two visits. All patients have ethically consented. Results: The total number of patients was 1050. Only 749 patients (71.3%) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The mean age was 46.5 ± 1.9, and males were 45.3%. 72% were from the Capital. The presenting symptoms were headache (16.6%), seizures (11.5%), limbs weakness (11.2%), and lower percentages for other neurological symptoms. The commonest diagnoses were Stroke 12.4%, Epilepsy 9.3%, Primary Headache 8.8%, Movement Disorders 7.3%, Peripheral Neuropathy....................