Now days the demand for higher production and lowering of operating costs has led to the use of continuous\r\nchromatographic processes. The application of counter current operation to batch chromatography resulted in the first\r\ncontinuous counter current chromatography i.e. simulated moving bed chromatography. It is originated from true moving bed\r\ntechnology. To minimize the difficulties in true moving bed technology i.e. real movement of solid bed of adsorbent as well as\r\nsmall life time of adsorbent due to attrition, an alternative to counter current flow, simulated moving bed (SMB) process has\r\nbeen developed. This technique is a variant of high performance liquid chromatography. It is used to separate particles\r\nor chemical compounds that would be difficult or impossible to resolve. Counter current flow enhances the potential for\r\nseparation and hence makes the SMB process more efficient. With SMBC, a series of small columns is used instead of one large\r\ncolumn, 50-70% of the solid phase is engaged in the separation zone, while the rest of the column material is being prepared for\r\nthe next cycle of purification provides higher recovery and purity. Moreover, SMBC provides essentially an infinite column bed\r\nlength without the costs associated with obtaining, operating and maintaining.