Objective: The aim of this study was to determine maternal and perinatal complications of pregnancies\ncomplicated by severe preeclampsia in three tertiary care centers in Cameroon. Methods:\nWe carried out a descriptive cross sectional study from the 1st of June 2012 to the 31th of June\n2014, among pregnant women with severe preeclampsia followed up in three tertiary level hospitals\nin Yaound�©, Cameroon: the Yaound�© General Hospital, the Yaound�© Central Hospital, and the\nYaound�© University Hospital. Statistical analysis was performed using EPI 3.5.5. Data were described\nas means �± standard deviation, percentages and numbers. Chi-square and Fisher exact\ntests were used where appropriate. Results: Of the 2500 deliveries registered during the study period,\n111 cases (8.49%) were managed as severe preeclampsia. Four patients refused to participate\nand were excluded from the study. Most of these patients were non workers (58.0%), pauciparous\n(61.7%) and young (median age of 27.47 years �± 6.46). Eclampsia (12.14%), abruptio placentae\n(11.21%) and hypertensive retinopathy (7.47%) were the most frequent maternal complications.\nTwo cases (1.86%) of maternal deaths occurred in patients who had eclampsia. Prematurity\n(48.6%), intra uterine fetal death (13.1%) and oligoamnios (11.2%) were the most frequent\nfetal complications. All four neonatal deaths occurred in women in whom the diagnosis of severe\npreeclampsia was done between 28 and 33 weeks of gestation. Conclusion: Pregnancies complicated\nby severe preeclampsia had significantly high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality\nin Cameroon. The complications of severe preeclampsia can be prevented by more widespread use of antenatal care, education of primary medical care personnel, prompt diagnosis of high-risk\npatients and timely referral to tertiary medical centers. Pregnancy, Hypertension, Severe Preeclampsia, Maternal and Perinatal Complications, Cameroon