Background: The study of ASA etiology is very important in the diagnosis\nand treatment of infertility. Studies of presence of antisperm antibodies in the\nbodies of unmarried women are very rare, so that this article aims at studying\nthe possible causes and interpretations behind the development of antisperm\nantibodies in virgins. Methodology: The study included 5 single women with\npositive ASA. Description and clinical history of the patients was assessed by\nspecial questionnaire provided for this purpose. All laboratory investigations\nand diagnostic procedures were done in the hospital from 1st August to 15th\nDecember 2017. Results: The mean serum antisperm antibody concentrations\n(64.3 IU/ml) which is considered positive titer. The incidence of ASA among\nvirgins is 2.22%. Complete blood count is normal except for slight increase in\nWBC count and percentage of basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. This\nstudy recorded high concentrations of serum total IgG and IgM levels (1875\nIU/ml and 295 IU/ml respectively). The UTI was confirmed by counting total\nbacterial concentration (178,250 CFU/ml) in the urine, and diagnosis of suspected\ncauses showed the following species: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella\npneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus , and Proteus mirabilis. Conclusions:\nThere are two suggested mechanisms to explain ASA in virgins: 1) antigen\ncross-reactivity between sperm and bacterial antigens to which antibodies can\nreact; 2) induction of the immune system by antigens of sperm ingested into\nthe gastrointestinal tract with contaminated food and drink. Recommendations:\nit is recommended to conduct a research study that include a large\nnumber of virgins for investigating ASA to confirm our results and build a\nscientific generalizations , in addition to animal studies for testing the role of\nsperm ingestion in the induction of immune system.