Background: Preterm delivery is a major cause of perinatal morbidity and\nmortality globally. In more than half of the cases, the exact cause is unknown\nand it is largely unpredictable. Certain maternal, social and demographic\ncharacteristics are risk factors and often help to predict and prognosticate the\nneonatal outcomes. Objective: This study was designed to determine the maternal\nsocio-demographic characteristics and neonatal outcomes of patients\nmanaged for singleton preterm delivery in Alex Ekwueme Federal University\nTeaching Hospital, Abakaliki. Method: This was a 4-year retrospective analysis\nof patients managed for preterm birth from 1st January 2012 through 31st\nDecember 2015. Results: Over the study period there were a total number of\n623 singleton preterm deliveries in the facility, while there were 9647 deliveries\nin the facility; the preterm birth rate was 6.5% or 65 per 1000 deliveries������