Trauma is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in infants and children worldwide. Trauma education is one of the most\ncommonly reported deficiencies in pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) training. In this study, we describe the creation of a\npediatric trauma boot camp in which trainees� basic knowledge, level of confidence, teamwork, and communication skills are\nassessed. The primary goal of this pilot study was to create a simulation-based pediatric trauma curriculum for PEM fellows\nand emergency medicine residents utilizing Kern�s curricular conceptual framework. This was a pilot, prospective, single cohort,\nexploratory, observational study utilizing survey methodology and a convenience sample.The curriculum consisted of a two-day\nexperience that included confidence surveys, a cognitive multiple-choice questionnaire, and formative and summative simulation\nscenarios. At the conclusion of this intensive simulation-based trauma boot camp participants reported increased confidence and\ndemonstrated significant improvement in the basic knowledge and performance of the management of pediatric trauma cases in a\nsimulated environment.