Background. Massive blood loss is the most common cause of immediate death in trauma. A massive blood transfusion (MBT) score is a prediction tool to activate blood banks to prepare blood products. )e previously published scoring systems were mostly developed from settings that had mature prehospital systems which may lead to a failure to validate in settings with immature prehospital systems. )is research aimed to develop a massive blood transfusion for trauma (MBTT) score that is able to predict MBT in settings that have immature prehospital care. Methods. )is study was a retrospective cohort that collected data from trauma patients who met the trauma team activation criteria. )e predicting parameters included in the analysis were retrieved from the history, physical examination, and initial laboratory results. )e significant parameters from a multivariable analysis were used to develop a clinical scoring system. )e discrimination was evaluated by the area under a receiver operating characteristic (AuROC) curve,................