Background Since 2014, Korea has been operating the National Emergency Medical Situation Room (NEMSR) to provide regional emergency departments (EDs) with coordination services for the interhospital transfer of critically ill patients. The present study aimed to describe the NEMSR’s experience and interhospital transfer pattern from EDs nationwide, and investigate the factors related to delayed transfers or transfers that could not be arranged by the NEMSR. Methods This study was a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of the NEMSR’s coordination registry from 2017 to 2019. The demographic and hospital characteristics related to emergency transfers were analyzed with hierarchical logistic models. Results The NEMSR received a total of 14,003 requests for the arrangement of the interhospital transfers of critically ill patients from 2017 to 2019. Of 10,222 requests included in the analysis, 8297 (81.17%) successful transfers were coordinated by the NEMSR. Transfers were requested mainly due to a shortage of medical staff (59.79%) and ICU beds (30.80%). Delayed transfers were significantly associated with insufficient hospital resources. The larger the bed capacity of the sending hospital, the more difficult it was to coordinate the transfer (odds ratio [OR] for transfer not arranged = 2.04; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.48–2.82, ≥ 1000 beds vs. < 300 beds) and the longer the transfer was delayed (OR for delays of more than 44 minutes = 2.08; 95% CI: 1.57–2.76, ≥ 1000 beds vs. < 300 beds). Conclusions The operation of the NEMSR has clinical importance in that it could efficiently coordinate interhospital transfers through a protocolized process and resource information system. The coordination role is significant as information technology in emergency care develops while regional gaps in the distribution of medical resources widen.