Background: The purpose of this study was to carry out a cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese,\nvalidation, and comparison of two questionnaires to measure adherence in patients with type 1 diabetes. There are\nno validated instruments to measure treatment adherence in Brazilian patients with type 1 diabetes.\nMethods: Type 1 diabetes outpatients of a tertiary hospital in Southern Brazil were recruited to examine\npsychometric properties of the Diabetes Self-Management Profile (DSMP) and Self-Care Inventory-revised (SCI-R)\nadapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Analyses assessed the reliability and validity according to its associations with\nglycated hemoglobin (A1C). Seventy-five patients [age: 34.9 �± 13.7 years; A1C: 9.2 �± 2% (75 mmol/mol); diabetes\nduration: 18.1 �± 11.8 years] were evaluated.\nResults: The translated versions of the instruments showed adequate internal consistency (DSMP Cronbachâ��s\n? =0.76; SCI-R Cronbachâ��s ? =0.71). A positive correlation was found between all the items and total scores, except for\nitem 12 in DSMP and item 13 in SCI-R, and for this reason, these items were excluded from the translated versions.\nIn predictive validity analysis, A1C correlated significantly with the DSMP total (r = ?0.46) and with the SCI-R\ntotal (r = ?0.44).\nConclusions: The Brazilian Portuguese versions of DSMP and SCI-R yielded a reliable and valid tool to measure\nadherence treatment for patients with type 1 diabetes, with a significant correlation between total scores and A1C.