The main objective of this review was to present a synthesis of the current literature in order to provide a useful tool to clinician\nin radiologic analysis of the meniscus. All anatomical descriptions were clearly illustrated by MRI, arthroscopy, and/or drawings.\nThe value of standard radiography is extremely limited for the assessment of meniscal injuries but may be indicated to obtain a\ndifferential diagnosis such as osteoarthritis. Ultrasound is rarely used as a diagnostic tool for meniscal pathologies and its accuracy\nis operator-dependent. CT arthrography with multiplanar reconstructions can detect meniscus tears that are not visible on MRI.\nThis technique is also useful in case of MRI contraindications, in postoperative assessment of meniscal sutures and the condition of\ncartilage covering the articular surfaces. MRI is the most accurate and less invasive method for diagnosing meniscal lesions. MRI\nallows confirming and characterizing the meniscal lesion, the type, the extension, its association with a cyst, the meniscal extrusion,\nand assessing cartilage and subchondral bone. New 3D-MRI in three dimensions with isotropic resolution allows the creation of\nmultiplanar reformatted images to obtain from an acquisition in one sectional plane reconstructions in other spatial planes. 3D\nMRI should further improve the diagnosis of meniscal tears.