Thyroid gland is one of most important endocrine glands in the body. It plays\nvital role in growth control and its measurements tends to change in respect\nto age, sex, weight and ethnic group of the individual. This study aimed to\nassess endemic goiter and to estimate the measurement of normal thyroid\ngland dimensions and thyroid hormones level in school-aged children using\nUltrasonography and ELISA Technique in Eastern Sudan (Kassala state). A\ntotal of 100 subjects is 6 - 18 years (43 males, 57 females), and mean of age\n(9.73 ± 2.54 years). This study was done in the period from April 2016 to\nFebruary 2017. All the subject undergone thyroid ultrasound and thyroid\nhormone level test. Subjects with history of goiter were excluded from the\nstudy, by thyroid dimension (length, height and diameter). Thyroid volume\nwas estimated using ellipsoid formula and thyroid hormones (TSH, T3 and\nT4) using Toso full automation. The study revealed that 12 subjects of the\nstudy (12%) with goiter, 7 female (7%) and 5 males (5%) with age ranged 6 -\n11 years with increase in TSH and T3 and decrease in T4 level. The mean of\nthyroid volumes for normal subject and subject of goiter are 4.93 ± 0.63, 5.4 ±\n1.4 mL, respectively, and TSH, T3, T4 (1.8 ± 0.97, 2.4 ± 0.86 UIu/nL), (3.61 ±\n0.32, 3.8 ± 0.55 Pg/Nl), (1.35 ± 1.23 ng/DI level respectively). It concluded\nthat there was positive correlations between the age and the thyroid volume\n(p = 0.65). It increases with increase of the age. The Rt lobe is larger than the\nLt lobe; the thyroid volume is higher in male than female, and this study\nfound the TSH and T3 decreased with ages while T4 increased with ages in\nnormal subject; TSH and T3 level increased and T4 level decreased in goiter\nchildren.