Background and Objective: Nowadays, Computer Tomography is one of the\nbest radiological imaging technics which can give right diagnostic information,\namong the detection of multiphasic adenomas, the detection of cardiac, cerebral\nand vascular abnormalities. Although these good qualities, this technic is\ntoo radiant for the patient. In this paper, we based on the irradiation doses\ndelivered from the current protocols to find a practical method of their optimization\nduring the pediatric cranial scan. Materials and Methods: This\nwork relies on a collection of data from patients in the hospitals, so that analyze\nthem, give the conclusions and, propose an optimal practical method to\ndecrease the irradiation doses. To collect data, we performed a prospective\nstudy of seventeen months (from December 2017 to May 2019) carried out\nsimultaneously in three hospitals of the city: The Centre Medical la Cathedrale\n(H1), the Yaounde Central Hospital (H2) and the Yaounde Gyneaco-Obstetric\nand pediatric hospital (H3). This study included a total of 192 cases of cerebral\ntrauma, of which 11 cases excluded for incomplete information. The dosimetry\nquality control (CTDIvol) using the PMMA phantoms of 16 cm and\n32 cm fulfilled. The scanographic parameters of the patient acquisition protocol\nwere recorded and analyzed. Some of those parameters were modified\nand entered the CT with the help of a biomedical engineer to reduce the delivered\ndose. The relationship between CTDIvol and kV is statistically significant\n(p < 0.05) to identify significant differences in obtained results before\nand after the optimization of protocols. Results: Among patients, 172 are\nboys, and the remaining 9 are girls all were in the 0 to 15 age group. CTDIvol \nvalues varied from 34.2 mGy to 107.8 mGy and PDLs from 107.8 to\n2214.5 in H1. In H2, CTDIvol varied from 5.8 mGy to 44 mGy and\nPDLs from 91.4 to 665.5 CTDIvol varied between 9.34\nmGy to 92.81 mGy and PDLs from 162.38 to 2713.67 in\nH3. All values are taken at 75th percentile, with or without contrast injection.\nConclusion: The implementation of the optimization of protocols requires\nthe display of the CT parameters to use and to respect during the traumatic\nbrain tests. With displaying and respecting protocol, the CTDIvol decreased\nby almost 50 per cent.