Theaimof this study is to identify and consolidate reliable endoscopic features associated with H. pylori infection in gastricmucosa,\nwhich is one of the major causes of gastric cancer. A total of 256 Chinese patients with symptomatic stomach disturbances were\nenrolled. Pathological examination was conducted using a light microscope and biopsy specimens stained with hematoxylin-eosin.\nEndoscopic examination was performed using a high resolution video endoscope. The association between endoscopic features\nand pathological H. pylori diagnosis was compared, and endoscopic features significantly associated with H. pylori infection were\nidentified.Atotal of 14 endoscopic featureswere observed. Six of the 14 endoscopic features, includingmucus on the gastricmucosa,\ndiffuse redness, spotty redness of fundicmucosa, enlarged fold,mucosal edema, and RAC(typeDand type I),were highly associated\nwith H. pylori infection and were significantly sensitive and specific predictors for H. pylori diagnosis. The type R RAC was not\nsignificantly associated with H. pylori diagnosis. Our results indicate that conventional endoscopy features can be used to diagnose\nH. pylori in Chinese patients and can help determine the risk factor for gastric cancer.