Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of culdotomy in surgical tubal sterilization and\nextrauterine tubal pregnancy, ruptured or intact.\nMethods: This is a prospective study of 11 cases of extrauterine tubal pregnancy and 29 cases of\ntubal sterilization subjected to transvaginal adnexal surgery via culdotomy from 2009-2014.\nResults: We reviewed 29 cases of culdotomic tubal sterilization as well as 11 cases of\nextrauterine tubal pregnancy of which 5 were intact and 6 were ruptured with hemoperitoneum.\nCuldotomic transvaginal tubal surgery was performed in all cases. There were no intraoperative\nor postoperative complications. Two units of blood were transfused in 2 cases of ruptured tubal\npregnancy. Cases were selected via history and physical exam; transvaginal ultrasound excluded\ncases with peritoneal adhesions which make culdotomy impossible.\nConclusion: Culdotomy is a safe surgical method to enter the cul-de-sac (pouch of Douglas) and\nto perform tubectomy for sterilization as well as for tubal ectopic pregnancy, either ruptured or\nintact.