Far lateral disc prolapse accounts for 6.5% to 12% of all lumbar disc prolapses.\nSurgical options include open laminectomy with discectomy, microscopic\nand endoscopic excision of the prolapsed disc. Some of these options\nmay not be available in limited resources centers. We will highlight the effectiveness\nof various surgical options. Twenty patients with foraminal and\nextraforaminal lumbar disc prolapse were operated upon from January, 2015\nto June, 2016 in the neurosurgical departments of Cairo and Fayoum Universities\nin Egypt by different modalities (open laminectomy with discectomy,\nmicroscopic and endoscopic discectomy). Seventeen patients had foraminal\ndisc prolapse and only three patients had extraforaminal disc prolapse.\nTwelve patients were operated by conventional laminectomy approach. Microscope\nwas used in four patients and four patients were operated endoscopically.\nExcellent radicular pain improvement was achieved in 15 cases\n(75%) including all of the laminectomy groups. Conventional laminectomy\nand discectomy in far lateral disc prolapse remains an excellent option especially\nin limited resources centers. Although building up experience with other\nsurgical modalities is mandatory.