The clinical success of osseointegrated dental implants depends on the strong attachment of the surrounding hard and soft\r\ntissues. Bacterial adhesion on implant surfaces can cause inflammatory reactions and may influence healing and long-term success\r\nof dental implants. Promising implant coatings should minimize bacterial adhesion, but allow epithelial and connective tissue\r\nattachment. Therefore, the present study has examined the bioactive effect of poly-(4-vinyl-N-hexylpyridiniumbromide) regarding\r\ntypical oral bacteria as well as cytotoxicitiy to human cells considering different methods of connecting polymers to silicatecontaining\r\nsurfaces. The results revealed that the application of putative antibacterial and biocompatible polymer in coating\r\nstrategies is affected by a variety of parameters. Published findings regarding reduced bacterial adhesion could not be verified\r\nusing oral pathogens whereas hexylated polymers seem problematic for strong adhesion of soft tissue. Concerning innovative\r\ncoatings for dental implants basic aspects (surface roughness, thickness, alkylation, combination with other polymers) have to be\r\nconsidered in further investigations.