Implant therapy has become a reliable and predictable treatment alternative for the replacement of missing teeth with conventional\r\nremovable and fixed partial dentures. Recently though, in the pursuit for improved esthetics, the literature has dedicated a\r\nconsiderable amount of its research on the successful maintenance and regeneration of the surrounding gingiva and bone, which\r\nare lost following extraction of a tooth. Thoroughly analyzing the anatomic situation and well-planned treatment has become a\r\nrequirement, because incorrectly planned and positioned implants may jeopardize long-term esthetic and functional prognosis.\r\nIn addition, many types of biocompatible materials, autogenous hard and soft tissue grafts, and different surgical techniques have\r\nbeen developed, and their viability has been investigated. As a result, implant specialists have gained a greater understanding\r\nof the dynamics and anatomical and biological concepts of the periodontium and peri-implant tissues both at the surgical and\r\nprosthetic phases of treatment, which contributes to better soft and hard tissue management (SHTM). This may further contribute\r\nto achieving a superior final result which is obtained by having a harmonious soft tissue profile, a correctly placed and contoured\r\nfinal restoration, and the reestablishment of masticatory function and phonetics.