In genetic diseases, where the cells are already damaged, the damaged cells can be replaced by new normal cells, which can be\r\ndifferentiated from iPSC. To avoid immune rejection, iPSC from the patient�s own cell can be developed. However, iPSC from the\r\npatients�s cell harbors the same genetic aberration. Therefore, before differentiating the iPSCs into required cells, genetic repair\r\nshould be done. This review discusses the various technologies to repair the genetic aberration in patient-derived iPSC, or to\r\nprevent the genetic aberration to cause further damage in the iPSC-derived cells, such as Zn finger and TALE nuclease genetic\r\nediting, RNA interference technology, exon skipping, and gene transfer method. In addition, the challenges in using the iPSC and\r\nthe strategies to manage the hurdles are addressed.