Functional appliances have been used for treatment ofClass II patients for a long time.Themain objective of therapywith functional\nappliances is to induce supplementary lengthening of the mandible by stimulating increased growth at the condylar cartilage. The\nTwin Block appliance is one of the most commonly used functional appliances. The aim of this paper is to present a case report\nof mandibular deficiency treatment with Twin Block appliance in a female patient whose sexual maturation (one and a half years\nafter menarche) and cervical vertebral maturation stage indicated the end of the growth peak.The treatment started with bonding\n0.022 in MBT prescription brackets on the upper arch in order to align upper teeth and create a symmetric overjet.When reaching\nalignment, a modified Twin Block was given to the patient for 8 months. Final coordination was achieved with fixed appliances in\nboth arches. At the end of the treatment, profile of the patient improved, crowding was relieved, and Cl I relationship with normal\noverjet and overbite was achieved.