Mentoring is important in the career development of novice and experienced nurses.With the anticipated shortage in nursing, it is\r\nimportant to explore factors such as mentoring that may contribute to career satisfaction and intent to stay in the profession. This\r\nstudy explored the effects of mentoring on career satisfaction and intent to stay in nursing, and the relationship between career\r\nsatisfaction and intent to stay in nursing. It was conducted through a mailed survey of RNs 55 years or younger currently in practice,\r\neducation, administration, or research. Career satisfaction was measured through the use of the newly developedMariani Nursing\r\nCareer Satisfaction Scale. Findings revealed no statistically significant effect of mentoring on career satisfaction and intent to stay\r\nin nursing. There was a statistically significant relationship between career satisfaction and intent to stay in nursing. The majority\r\nof nurses reported participating in a mentoring relationship. Although the findings related to mentoring, career satisfaction, and\r\nintent to stay were not statistically significant, there was a prevalence of mentoring in nursing, thus suggesting the need for future\r\nresearch to identify outcomes of mentoring. In addition, the study contributed a newly developed instrument to measure the\r\nconcept of career satisfaction in nursing.