Aim of this study is to find out biological, social and psychological factors of suicide in hospitalized cases who were committed suicide or those who were attempted suicide. The anterospective and retrospective analysis of serial case review from June 2006 to June 2012 by applying psychoanalytic method showed approximately all were suffering from psychiatric disorder most commonly with depression 90.9%. Common method to suicide is hanging, but most successful complete method is jump from height (2/3 among complete than 18.20% in total attempt of suicide). Another mode is use of sedative/hypnotics. Poor reorganization improper diagnosis and delayed help might be the reason for completed suicide. In hospitalized physical illness and its poor defined prognosis, substance use disorder, depression and associated psychotic phenomena and impulsivity are found in 19.09%. In-attainment of goal and frustration in 72.70%, family factor e.g. lack of support and economy in 18.20% were noted as factors for suicide.