The present study was aimed to analyze the prescribing pattern of antidiabetic drugs in general practice at Nagpur region and prevalence of diabetes in different age groups. The study was conducted on the patients purchasing the medication from the retail outlets of Nagpur region. A questionnaire was prepared which had been designed after analyzing the literature and research papers. The complete prescriptions of the diabetic patients were monitored and data was filled. A total of 500 prescriptions were evaluated. The study revealed that males (55.11%) predominated over females (44.88%) as far as prevalence of diabetes is concerned. The disease was observed to be more in age group of 51-60 years. The drug therapy with oral hypoglycemic was the highest (87.55%). Furthermore the oral hypoglycemic agents were prescribed either alone (50.76%) or in combination of two (38.57%) or three drugs (10.65%). Amongst the single oral hypoglycemic drug prescribed, metformin (49.%) was found to be the highest and lowest for rosiglitazone (1%).In prescriptions containing combination of two drugs, highest % was found to be with glibenclamide and metformin (43.4%) and lowest with glibenclamide and glimepride (1.31%). The percentage of prescriptions containing combination of three drugs was found to be the maximum with gliclazide, glipizide and metformin (76.16%) while % of prescriptions containing combinations of glipizide, glibenclamide and metformin as well as glibenclamide, metformin and rosiglitazone was found to be equally less (4.76%). Hypertension was most common disease associated with diabetes mellitus II. About 60 % of prescriptions were containing hypoglycemic agents along with antihypertensive.