Vaccination is one of the most successful immunology applications that has considerably\nimproved human health. The DNA vaccine is a new vaccine being developed since the early 1990s.\nAlthough the DNA vaccine is promising, no human DNA vaccine has been approved to date.\nThe main problem facing DNA vaccine efficacy is the lack of a DNA vaccine delivery system. Several\nstudies explored this limitation. One of the best DNA vaccine delivery systems uses a live bacterial\nvector as the carrier. The live bacterial vector induces a robust immune response due to its natural\ncharacteristics that are recognized by the immune system. Moreover, the route of administration\nused by the live bacterial vector is through the mucosal route that beneficially induces both mucosal\nand systemic immune responses. The mucosal route is not invasive, making the vaccine easy to\nadminister, increasing the patient�s acceptance. Lactic acid bacterium is one of the most promising\nbacteria used as a live bacterial vector. However, some other attenuated pathogenic bacteria, such as\nSalmonella spp. and Shigella spp., have been used as DNA vaccine carriers. Numerous studies showed\nthat live bacterial vectors are a promising candidate to deliver DNA vaccines.