The antibacterial efficiency of various solvent extracts of sea grass root (Cymodocea serrulata) was observed against some human urinary tract infecting clinical bacterial species of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, P. vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Fresh sea grass was collected from Mallipattinam coast, south east coast of India and crude extract were prepared by using three different solvent namely ethanol, methanol and acetone. The antibacterial activity was estimated by agar diffusion technique method. In addition to that, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for C. serrulata extracts derived from three solvent with each pathogenic species and it was compared with an appropriate positive control. Among the three solvent extract the maximum activity (11.83±0.28 mm) showed against P. vulgaris in methanol extract and minimum activity of (1.66±0.57 mm), was shown against Escherichia coli in acetone extract. The next maximum activity was seen against P. mirabilis in same methanol solvents. The present study reveals that the activities of methanol extracts of sea grass C. serrulata was higher than that of ethanol and acetone extracts, against UTI pathogens.