Nanotechnology plays a significant role in drug development. As carriers, polymeric\nnanoparticles can deliver vaccine antigens, proteins, and drugs to the desired site of action. Polymeric\nnanoparticles with lower cytotoxicity can protect the delivered antigens or drugs from degradation\nunder unfavorable conditions via a mucosal administration route; further, the uptake of nanoparticles\nby antigen-presenting cells can increase and induce potent immune responses. Additionally,\nnanomaterials are widely used in vaccine delivery systems because nanomaterials can make the\nvaccine antigen long-acting. This review focuses on some biodegradable polymer materials such\nas natural polymeric nanomaterials, chemically synthesized polymer materials, and biosynthesized\npolymeric materials, and points out the advantages and the direction of research on degradable\npolymeric materials. The application and future perspectives of polymeric materials as delivery\ncarriers and vaccine adjuvants in the field of drugs and vaccines are presented. With the increase of\nknowledge and fundamental understandings of polymer-based nanomaterials, means of integrating\nsome other attractive properties, such as slow release, target delivery, and alternative administration\nmethods and delivery pathways are feasible. Polymer-based nanomaterials have great potential for\nthe development of novel vaccines and drug systems for certain needs, including single-dose and\nneedle-free deliveries of vaccine antigens and drugs in the future.