Aim of the Study: To compare effect of asthma care by pharmacist intervention versus routine care\non asthma control. Patients and Methods: A 2-month randomised, controlled trial was conducted\nin outpatient clinics of Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt. Patients were randomly assigned\nto receive routine care or a pre-defined pharmacist intervention. This intervention was\nmainly focused on patient education, improving inhalation technique and medication assessment.\nPrimary outcome was the level of asthma control, as assessed by the Asthma Control Questionnaire\n(ACQ). Results: By the end of the study, intervention patients who received a written action\nplan significantly improved their ACQ results than routine care group who did not receive a plan\n(p < 0.0001). Inhalation technique and adherence to controller medication were significantly better\nin the intervention group. Conclusion: The present study results provide supportive evidence\nconcerning pharmacists� favourable effects on asthma patient care and support pharmacists as\nvaluable members of the health care team.