Cancer is a well-known challenge to the human kind ever since the existence of Medical knowledge. From the age of 1600 B.C. when it was first discovered and described by “Edwin Smith” and “George Ebers” papyri, later described by Hippocrates as Carcinos, till today; Cancer has spread at an alarming rate and possess test for Medical and Clinical research world. In general terms cancer or carcinos is term defined in medical science for any kind of uncontrolled growth of cells which spreads from the region of occurrence to the other parts of the body like poison. Study of cancer is termed as an Oncology. Recent research and study have found various reasons for causing cancer and are termed as carcinogens or cancer causing agents. Cancer research have found various carcinogens responsible for triggering the initiation of cancer in the body and One such research study believes the inheritance of cancer among genes. Approximately there must be faults in 6 or more than 6 genes in the cells to turn them into cancerous. Breast cancer is termed as cancer of cells in Breast region and exists today as widest of all cancers among 140 out of 184 countries. Globally the occurrence rate of Breast cancer is 1 out 4 cancers. This highlights the huge market for pharmaceutical and clinical research industry. The present review thus highlights the facts and figures of the commonest of all cancers, the breast cancer, the treatment options available with us in molecular terms and the cure which lies in traditional medicines. The review also highlights the current market size and future and the latest clinical trials happening across globe. With the advancing technologies and sources of treatments available with us, the time is no far when we can find specific cure for different types of cancer, especially the breast cancer.