Post stroke complications are common and occur at a rate of 40-96% in acute stroke patients. The most common\ncomplications seen are respiratory tract infection, constipation, aspiration pneumonia and urinary tract infection.\nCerebrovascular complications make diabetic patients 2ââ?¬â??6 times more susceptible to a stroke event. In addition, patients with\ndiabetes are more likely to die or become severely disabled. So this study was aimed to find out the occurrence of complications\nin first-ever stroke patients and the association between risk factors and complications. The study was designed as a\nprospective observational study by collecting various data of patients who were newly diagnosed with stroke. A total of 211\ncases were included in the study. Preliminary data such as demographic details, past medical history, past medication history,\nlaboratory investigations, prescribing patterns and drug related problems were collected using data entry forms. Bed side\ninterview were performed and their social history were collected. Subjects were followed up for a period of 1-3 months. Both\nimmediate hospitalization complications and complications seen in the acute phase of stroke were monitored and evaluated.\nStatistical analysis was performed using Graph pad software. Male patients (60.19%) were more prone to stroke attack than\nfemale patients (38.81%). Ischaemic stroke were most prevalently found (91%) when compared to hemorrhagic stroke (9%).\nThe age group under 60-69 yrs were most affected with complications (27.17%) followed by 50-59 yrs (22.83%). In our study,\nneuropsychiatric complications were more prevalent (26.09%) followed by urinary tract infection (21.20%) and respiratory\ntract infection (13.56%). 84% of respiratory tract infection was found in smokers compared to non-smokers. And 74.36% of\nurinary tract infection was found in diabetic patients compared to non diabetic cases. Patients having risk factors of stroke are\nmore likely to develop complications and prolong their hospitalization. The most commonly found post stroke complication in\nour study was dementia. Many journals suggest that the frequency of cognitive disorders in the acute phase of stroke is over\n70%.