In response to the shortage of pharmacists in Northern Sweden, a web-based Bachelor of\nScience in Pharmacy program was established at Ume�¥ University in 2003. In 2009, the Swedish\npharmacy market was re-regulated from a state monopoly to an open market, but it is unknown\nwhat impact this has had on education satisfaction. The objectives of this study were to examine\nthe level of satisfaction among graduates from a web-based pharmacy program and to describe\nwhat subjects and skills students would have liked more or less of in their education. A secondary\nobjective was to compare the level of satisfaction before and after the Swedish pharmacy market was\nre-regulated. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2015 with all alumni who had graduated\nfrom the pharmacy program between 2006 and 2014 (n = 511), and responses to questions about\ngraduatesâ�� satisfaction with the program were analyzed (n = 200). Most graduates (88%) agreed or\nstrongly agreed that the knowledge and skills acquired during their education were useful in their\ncurrent job. The graduates stated that they would have wanted more applied pharmacy practice\nand self-care counselling, and fewer social pharmacy and histology courses. Further, 82% stated that\nthey would start the same degree program if they were to choose again today, and 92% agreed or\nstrongly agreed that they would recommend the program to a prospective student. Graduates were\nmore likely to recommend the program after the re-regulation (p = 0.007). In conclusion, pharmacy\ngraduates were very satisfied with their education, and no negative effects of the re-regulation could\nbe observed on program satisfaction.