Pharmacy has utilised the changes in legislation since 2000 to increase the\nrange and supply function of services such as travel health to travellers. With the number of travellers\nleaving the UK and trying new destinations there is an increasing need for more travel health\nprovision. Working models: The models of supply of a travel health service vary according to the\nsize of the corporate body. The large multiples can offer assessment via a specialist nurse or doctor\nservice and then supply through the pharmacy. Others will undertake an onsite risk assessment\nand supply through the pharmacist. The sole Internet suppliers of medication have been reviewed\nand the assessment standards questioned following survey and inspection. Education: There is\nno dedicated pharmacist-training programme in advanced level travel health. As a consequence\none academic institution allows pharmacists to train on a multidisciplinary course to obtain an\nacademic membership. With training for travel health not being mandatory for any travel health\nsupply function the concern is raised with standards of care. Future: There is a consultation paper on\nthe removal of travel vaccines from NHS supply due to be decided in the future. If these vaccines are\nremoved then they will provide a greater demand on pharmacy services. Discussion: The starting\nof a travel health service can be made without any additional training and remains unregulated,\ngiving cause for concern to the supply made to the traveller. Conclusions: Pharmacies in the UK\noffer a range of options for supplying travel health services; however these need to be with improved\nmandatory training and supply.