Abstract: It has been demonstrated that a single shunted loudspeaker can be used as an effective low\nfrequency sound absorber in a duct, but many shunted loudspeakers have to be used in practice for\nnoise reduction or reverberation control in rooms, thus it is necessary to understand the performance\nof an array of shunted loudspeakers. In this paper, a model for the parallel shunted loudspeaker\narray for multi-tone sound absorption is proposed based on a modal solution, and then the acoustic\nproperties of a shunted loudspeaker array under normal incidence are investigated using both the\nmodal solution and the finite element method. It was found that each shunted loudspeaker can\nwork almost independently where each unit resonates. Based on the interaction analysis, multi-tone\nabsorbers in low frequency can be achieved by designing multiple shunted loudspeakers with\ndifferent shunt circuits respectively. The simulation and experimental results show that the normal\nincidence sound absorption coefficient of the designed absorber has four absorption peaks with\nvalues of 0.42, 0.58, 0.80, and 0.84 around 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 300 Hz, and 400 Hz respectively.