Mobility control is one of the most essential parts of planetary rovers� research and development. The goal of this research is to let\nthe planetary rovers be able to achieve demand of motion from upper level with satisfied control performance under the rough and\ndeformable planetary terrain that often lead to longitudinal slip. The longitudinal slip influences the mobility efficiency obviously,\nespecially on the major deformable slopes. Compared with the past works on normal stiff terrains, properties of soil and interaction\nbetween wheels and soil should be considered additionally. Therefore, to achieve the final goal, in this paper, wheel-soil dynamic\nmodel for six-wheel planetary rovers while climbing up deformable slopes with longitudinal slip is first built and control based in\norder to account for slip phenomena. These latter effects are then taken into account within terramechanics theory, relying upon\nnonlinear control techniques; finally, a robust adaptive fuzzy control strategy with longitudinal slip compensation is developed to\nreduce the effects induced by slip phenomena and modeling error. Capabilities of this control scheme are demonstrated via full\nscale simulations carried out with a six-wheel robot moving on sloped deformable terrain, whose real time was computed relying\nuniquely upon RoSTDyn, a dynamic software.