The collaborative combat of manned/unmanned aerial vehicles (MAVs/UAVs) is a popular topic in combat application research. It\nmaximizes the autonomous combat capability of UAVs and the control capability of MAVs. Furthermore, it improves the\ncomprehensive combat effectiveness. The quantitative description of intercommunication in different aircrafts along with the\nevaluation of the collaborative combat capability is an emphasis in military research. This paper analyzes the collaborative\ncombat process. Node and edge models are established in the MAV/UAV collaborative network. The intercommunication and\ncombat behaviors among combat entities are analyzed. Based on the information entropy, the effect of capability uncertainties\non the collaborative combat is described quantitatively. An evaluation method of the MAV/UAV collaborative combat\ncapability is proposed. Finally, an example is given to demonstrate the proposed model and evaluation method that prove its\nfeasibility and effectiveness.