Zinc ions (Zn^2+), known to be a novel intracellular second messenger related\nto various biological functions, have been delivered inside cells. For the\nintracellular Zn^2+ delivery, Zn^2+ has been chelated to carboxymethyl poly(1-\nvinylimidazole) (CM-PVIm) by mixing zinc chloride (ZnCl2) or zinc acetate\n(Zn(OAc)2) with CM-PVIm. The resulting Zn^2+-chelated CM-PVIm, that is,\nZn^2+/CM-PVIm complex by mixing ZnCl2 exhibited smaller particle size below\n10 nm and possessed larger amount of Zn^2+ ions, as compared to the\nZn^2+/CM-PVIm by mixing Zn(OAc)2. The both Zn^2+/CM-PVIm complexes\nexhibited no significant cytotoxicity, leading to intracellular Zn^2+ delivery.\nThe Zn^2+/CM-PVIm by mixing ZnCl2 delivered larger amount of intracellular\nZn^2+ ions than that by mixing Zn(OAc)2. These results suggest that the optimal\nZn^2+/CM-PVIm complex is a useful tool for intracellular Zn^2+ delivery\nto control various biological functions.