This paper proposes a tension-compression damage model for concrete materials, formulated within the framework of thermodynamics\nof irreversible processes. The aim of this work is to solve the following problems: the premature divergence of\nnumerical solutions under general loading conditions due to the conflict of tensile and compressive damage bounding surfaces,\nwhich is a result of the application of the spectral decomposition method to distinguish tension and compression, and the\nunsatisfactory reproduction of distinct tension-compression behaviors of concrete by strain-driven damage models. The former is\nsolved by the sign of the volumetric deformation, while the latter is solved via two separated dissipation mechanisms. Moreover, of\nspecific interest is an improved solution to the problem of mesh-size dependency using consistent crack bandwidths, which takes\ninto account situations with irregular meshes and arbitrary crack directions in the context of the crack band approach. The\nperformance of the model is validated by the well-documented experimental data.The simplicity and the explicit integration of the\nconstitutive equations render the model well suitable for large-scale computations.