In the recent decades changes in fire regimes led to higher vulnerability of fire prone ecosystems, with vegetation being the\nonly component influencing fire regime which can be managed in order to reduce probability of extreme fire events. For these\nmanagement practices to be effective reliable information on the vegetation flammability is being crucial. Epiradiator based testing\nmethods are one of the methods commonly used to investigate vegetation flammability and decrease in ignition frequency is always\ninterpreted as a decrease in flammability. Furthermore, gathered information is often combined into a single flammability score.\nHere we present results of leaf litter testing which, together with previously conducted research on similar materials, show that\nmaterial with very low ignition frequency under certain testing conditions can be extremely flammable if testing conditions are\nslightly changed. Additionally, our results indicate that combining measured information into one single flammability score, even\nthough sometimes useful, is not always meaningful and should be performed with caution.