Avatar facial expression and animation in 3Dcollaborative virtual environment (CVE) systems are reconstructed through a complex\nmanipulation ofmuscles, bones, and wrinkles in 3D space.The need for a fast and easy reconstruction approach has emerged in the\nrecent years due to its application in various domains: 3Ddisaster management, virtual shopping, andmilitary training. In thiswork\nwe proposed a new script language based on atomic parametric action to easily produce real-time facial animation. To minimize\nuse of the game engine, we introduced script-based component where the user introduces simple short script fragments to feed\nthe engine with a new animation on the fly. During runtime, when an embedded animation is required, an xml file is created and\ninjected into the game engine without stopping or restarting the engine. The resulting animation method preserves the real-time\nperformance because the modification occurs not through the modification of the 3D code that describes the CVE and its objects\nbut rather through modification of the action scenario that rules when an animation happens or might happen in that specific\nsituation.