Game engines generate high dependence of developed games on provided implementation resources. Feature modeling is a\ntechnique that captures commonalities and variabilities results of domain analysis to provide a basis for automated configuration\nof concrete products. This paper presents theMinimal Engine for Digital Games (MEnDiGa), a simplified collection of game assets\nbased on game features capable of building small and casual games regardless of their implementation resources. It presents minimal\nfeatures in a representative hierarchy of spatial and game elements along with basic behaviors and event support related to game\nlogic features. It also presentsmodules of code to represent, interpret, and adapt gamefeatures to provide the execution of configured\ngames in multiple game platforms. As a proof of concept, a clone of the Doodle Jump game was developed using MEnDiGa assets\nand compared with original game version. As a result, a new G-factor based approach for game construction is provided, which is\nable to separate the core of game elements from the implementation itself in an independent, reusable, and large-scale way.