Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the most widely used networks, which has attracted attentions, having features such\nas limited energy resources, limited bandwidth, and security weaknesses due to lack of a central infrastructure. Safe and suitable\nrouting is one of the research aspects ofMANET. In this paper, a proposedmethod, calledM-AODV, which is a type of overhearing\nbackup protocol, based on AODV, is presented. The simulation results of this protocol, applied by NS2 simulator, showed the\nimprovement of packet delivery rate and reduction of overhead and delay.Moreover, to assess the security of the proposed protocol,\nwe simulated M-AODV and AODV protocols under black hole and wormhole attacks, using no security solution. The results\nshowed thatM-AODV had been improved in terms of packet delivery ratio, and the delay had been reduced as well, but the amount\nof overhead had been increased.