Context. Interactive TV has not reached yet its full potential. How to make the use of interactivity in television content viable\nand attractive is something in evolution that can be seen with the popularization of new approaches as the use of second screen as\ninteractive platform. Objective.This study aims at surveying existing research onMultiple Contents TV Synchronization in order to\nsynthesize their results, classify works with common points, and identify needs for future research. Method. This paper reports the\nresults of a systematic literature review and mapping study on TVMultiple Contents Synchronization published until middle 2013.\nAs result, a set of 68 papers was generated and analyzed considering general information such as sources and time of publication;\ncovered research topics; and synchronization aspects such as methods, channels, and precision. Results. Based on the obtained data,\nthe paper provides a high level overview of the analyzed works; a detailed exploration of each used and proposed technique and its\napplications; and a discussion and proposal of a scenario overview and classification scheme based on the extracted data.