Combinatorial optimization has been used in different research areas. It has been employed successfully in software testing fields\nto construct minimum set of combinations (i.e., in terms of size) which in turn represents the minimum number of test cases. It\nwas also found to be a successful approach that can be applied to solve other similar problems in different fields of research. In line\nwith this approach, this paper presents a new application of the combinational optimization in the design of PID controller for DC\nservomotor.The design of PID controller involves the determination of three parameters. To find optimal initial PID parameters,\ndifferent tuning methods have been proposed and designed in the literature. The combinatorial design is concerned with the\narrangement of finite set of elements into combinatorial set that satisfies some given constraints. Consequently, the proposed\nmethod takes the interaction of the input parameters as a constraint for constructing this combinatorial set. The generated sets\nare then used in the proposed tuning method. The method proved its effectiveness within a set of experiments in a simulated\nenvironment.