This paper is an effort to enable the delta PLC (programmable logic controller) DVP14SS to communicate with the visual Basic 6.0 using modbus DLL. The communication between DVP14SS and visual basic 6.0 is via modbus serial protocol stated by delta PLC manufactures. In automated systems there are control supervision and also health and safety monitoring via supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Values of important parameters such as temperatures, pressures, voltages, etc are sensed and transferred to monitoring stations in control rooms. After processing the information, decisions are made and supervisory commands are sent to change conditions such as set points or to engage emergency procedures. The data from sensors and set commands to actuators are sent via wired or wireless communication channels. So, communication mechanisms are an integral part of any complex automated system. The SCADA software’s are the software packages and are not free and the cost depends on tag count. Visual basic 6.0 platform can be used to develop the SCADA application effectively. Using VB 6.0 a platform can be developed to integrate software and hardware across spectrum of vendors. Here, a simple approach is proposed; which takes care of the communication between delta PLC and visual basic using modbus DLL (provided by delta PLC). Visual basic can serve as a cost effective solution since it is not necessary to purchase a licenses for a small scale application as well as it is cheaper than conventional SCADA packages.